Why Use Agile With Students?


It's the EPITOME of real world skills…

Think of your experience as a student when you had to participate in group projects. How effective were they? How many times did the "smart kid" do all of the work while others didn't pull their weight? Maybe you were the smart kid and remember feeling how unfair it was you had to do all the work.

More and more I hear students express their HATE for group projects. Group projects may even negatively affect their learning if not planned, implemented and managed well. With the emergence and popularity of Project-Based Learning in schools, it's more apparent than ever that attention is needed on how student's should work together on projects.

By using Agile and implementing the Scrum process, students will know their role in the group, hold each other accountable, learn valuable content through inquiry but most importantly, learn and apply real world skills that are essential in our society today.

Never before in our history has our workforce done such interconnected, complex and challenging work in groups that require an aptitude for collaboration, critical thinking and creativity. By using Agile with students, we can equip them with the necessary skills for the unknown challenges of tomorrow.